Microsoft history of Windows

what you can learn form the history of windows operating systems to invoate computers

Windows 95

Shooting ahead from windows 3.1, windows 95 was a new start. running now at 32 bit the operating system speed was boosted by a lot. the memory prossesing proformace and speed were doubled. the operating system now has better features and cdrom driver upgrades. this operating system helped people communicate by introducing some of the first forms of email.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: 3860x
  2. Memory: 8 megabites
  3. Storage: 70 megabites

Windows XP

windows xp was a revolutionary operating system, coming in front of windows 95. no longer doss, windows xp was a whole new lineup of windows os. many companies wanted to make their parts sound xp compatible, such as AMD making the athlon xp prosseser. with a new skin, windows xp was one of windows most loved os. the windows xp operating system helped buissess make some of their tasks easiear, like contacting consumers, and that helped those buisnesses grow.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: pentium
  2. Memory: 64 megabites
  3. Storage: 1.5 Gigabites

Windows Vista

windows vista also known as windows long horn, was supposed to be better than windows xp. this meant it would be faster and more reliable, but this plan backfiered. windows vista was a slow operating system with over demanding specs. this caused any computer of the time to run slow and laggy. the vista was supposed to be an improved form of the other operating systems, it was desinged to make the technology even better, but it backfired and failed to work properly in the end.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: 64 bit
  2. Memory: 1 gigabite
  3. Storage: 40 gigabites

Windows 7

Windows 7 was the star of 2008, it erased the bad memories of Vista and was a new start. with a fast and reliable platform. it basicly had everything that Vista didn't, this allowed for gaming on many computers. that helped onlie gaming to become a thing. the windows 7 was an operating sysytem that was made to help Microsoft recover from vista and it could do lot more things that other couputers couldn't, this operating system helped a lot of people get affordable access to the internet, which is something that people in developing countries still don't have.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: 64 bit
  2. Memorey: 2 gigabites
  3. Storage: 20 gigabites

Windows 8

the windows 8 operating system has a whole new platform with mixed perspectives on it. the operating system would only perform as good as the computer that it ran on. It was designed for touchscreen laptops, and tablets. the windows 8 operating was desinged to be compatible with the currant technology at the time. compatiblity with any or almost any device that people currantly use is somthing that computer invoters have to think about.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: 64 bit
  2. Memory: 4 gigabites
  3. Storage: 20 gigabites

Windows 10

windows 10 is the latest version of windows, this is the most advanced comsumer version of windows ever made. it has the most adaptable operating system, streching from education to buisness. the windows 10 examplfies what every inovater strives to acompmish, the windows 10 is the most adanced and powerful operrating system that is availibale, it also is compatible for most decives and porpuses.

Specs: specifics on the performance of the operating system

  1. Cpu: 64 bit
  2. Memory: 4 Gigabites
  3. Storage: 20 gigabites

effeicency, new inovations, and compatiblity are the core of why and how people should invovate computer technology.